How to plan the perfect road trip with kids.

When I first decided to do this blog the idea was to encourage/empower/enthuse other parents to get out there and adventure with wee humans in tow.

The plan was to try and remove the need for you guys to have to plan or think too much.

I was aware of how I had zero time on my hands when the kids were tiny and sometimes I just wanted someone to tell me how to do it. Step by step. Just point me in the right direction.

Don’t give me wild ideas about awesome adventures I could have, just tell me when to get in the car, where to stop, show me the address and tell me what to pack.

And make it work godamn it cos I didn’t have time to stuff around!

So, on that note, I’ve put this post together.

It will take you through the step by step process I take when I am planning a trip and direct you to the correlating post on the blog that’ll be useful at each step.

I hope it helps!

Oh, and I’d be stoked to hear your feedback.

Let me know if there’s something you need that isn’t here 🙂


Pick your destination –

Have a bit of a dig around and decide where you want to go.

There are some cool websites that can help you out on online resources to help you plan your next trip. Things like farmstays, camping on private property etc. There’s also some fabulous apps these days, like WikiCamps, that will make finding the right spot a lot easier. Head over to handy apps for road tripping & camping to check out useful apps that might be worth downloading before you leave.

Raid the Pinterest vault too as there will be a heap of bloggers who have probably written a blurb about the place you are thinking of heading. Bloody bloggers, they’re everywhere these days! 😉

If you happen to be based on or heading to the East Coast of Australia, then I may just be able to help you out.

Check out some of these posts for ideas…

Farmstays within 3.5 hours of Sydney

Places to camp near Brisbane

Places to camp near Sydney

Places to camp near Melbourne

Places to camp near Cairns


If you decide to head to a caravan park then check out how to choose the most kid friendly site at a caravan park before you call and book your site.


Plan the drive –

I use the same system every time and have been since the kids were newborns and it works a treat even now when they are 3 and 4.

Check out Road tripping with kids: A Survival Guide, it’s a step by step guide to my system and it’ll make it really easy for you to plan your route and any stops that you need to do along the way.

Wondering how often to stop, when to get to the place you’re staying and how long you should allow for the drive?

I changed things up on our recent road trip and decided to arrive at camp a lot later than I had been and to spend more time adventuring along the way and it was awesome.

Have a read about that trip here…

How I manage drive & set up time on the road with kids.


Where to stop along the way?

The survival guide talks about how I plan our stops along the way by using Google Maps and Playground Finder but if you are in Australia and heading between Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane I might be able to help you out with some ideas…

Things to see & places to camp on the inland road between Sydney & Brisbane

Driving between Sydney & Melbourne via the coast road with kids

Driving between Sydney & Melbourne with kids

Beautiful places to stop between Sydney & The Sunshine Coast

Driving between Sydney & Byron Bay with kids


Pack the car –

What to pack, argghhhhhh! We all know that feeling.

Here are some of my must haves…

What to pack when you are road tripping and camping with kids

Road tripping & camping toys that don’t take up too much space

Super handy gear for road trips with kids

Gear for van life & camping – My top picks

Check out quick & easy camping meals for kids or healthy (ish) snacks for road trips with kids for some ideas of things to add to your shopping list.


Entertain the kids on the drive –

You would have seen a few of my go to’s in the road tripping with kids survival guide, things like car friendly snacks, the ABC kids listen app and stopping every two and a half hours.

But let’s beef it out a bit with some more ideas to keep the kids off your case on the drive…

10 ways to entertain your kids on a road trip

My favourite kids stories on Audible

Kids audiobooks & songs about caring for the environment

Apps for road tripping with kids (that don’t involve screens)

Perfect podcasts for family road trips


Did you decide to camp?

Ok, so you decided you are making this trip a camping trip.

You’ve made it to the destination and the road trip wasn’t too torturous but now you have to set up camp.

What to do with the kids while you set up?

Check out jobs for the kids when you’re camping for a couple of ideas to keep the wee gremlins busy, and maybe a little bit useful as well.


What to feed the kids when you’re camping?

I am by no means a pro when it comes to this so, as well as my go to’s, I’ve included some recipes from the professionals who actually know what they are doing!

Check out quick & easy camping meals for kids for some ideas and healthy (ish) snacks for road trips with kids for easy stuff between meals.


Going solo?

As you probaly know, I do the majority of our trips solo with the two kids.

If you are also hitting the road as the lone adult then check out tips for feeling safe when camping solo with kids.

It just lists some of the things I do (and don’t do) when I am by myself out there.


Well, there you go. Hopefully you are armed with everything you need to make this trip go to plan, I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!

Please do fire away and ask any questions you may have, I’m always stoked to have someone get in touch.

And finally, if you need some new music to listen to on the drive check out my current go to playlist here, it’s a weird eclectic mix of all my favourites on Spotify and who knows, we might just have the same taste in music 🙂


Lily x


For an easy to navigate list of all the posts available check out the index, that way you can find the posts relevant to you without having to dig around for ages.

And, if you suffer FOMO and don’t want to miss the next riveting post by yours truly then subscribe here.


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