My biggest camping stuff ups so far…

My biggest camping stuff ups so far…

  Stuff I stuffed up and how you can avoid making the same camping mistakes…   We all learn from our mistakes and we’ve all heard the sayings but personally, I rather like it when I can learn from other people’s mistakes. All gain, no pain...
Family friendly festivals in Australia

Family friendly festivals in Australia

    Wondering which festivals you should hit up on your travels? Or just wondering what’s happening close to you? Well, this one is for you! 🙂   Lots of these festivals have onsite camping available, some don’t, but most of the ones that...
Super handy gear for road trips with kids

Super handy gear for road trips with kids

    So, you’re planning on chucking the kids in the car and setting off on an adventure? Here’s a list of super handy gear for road trips with small humans that’ll make your life soooo much easier! I hope 😉   Headrest Hook – Hang...
Places to camp near Cairns, Australia

Places to camp near Cairns, Australia

  So, you’re looking for places to camp near Cairns? Well, you’re in the right spot, all of the sites on this list are within three and a half hours drive of Cairns. After I did posts just like this for Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne I realised that...
Places to camp near Melbourne, Australia

Places to camp near Melbourne, Australia

  Looking for places to camp near Melbourne? Well, you’re in the right spot! All of the sites on this list are within three and a half hours drive of Melbourne. After I did the places to camp within 3.5 hours of Sydney and places to camp within 3.5 hours of...
Great gift ideas for travelling kids

Great gift ideas for travelling kids

  What are some great gift ideas for travelling kids? I often see this question pop up on the travel forums and pages that I follow. I also get asked the same question a lot at Christmas time and birthdays by family members who know I’m not keen to fill the...
Healthy snacks for road trips with kids

Healthy snacks for road trips with kids

    Ok, the first thing I’m gonna say is this… You will not find any “healthy energy balls” on this list. Or bites or bursts or anything that contains the word energy. When I went searching for road trip snack ideas I found so many of...
Safety tips for camping with kids

Safety tips for camping with kids

    While I try and be aware of not being a panic merchant and getting too risk averse I also figure I’d be silly not to try to minimise the possibility of stuff going wrong. Also, I’ve found that if I discuss certain “camping rules”...
Camping with kids in cold weather

Camping with kids in cold weather

Ok, so, you want to take the kids camping in cold weather? Well, being a heat seeking Aussie who has never camped in the snow I had a brainwave the other day… I decided to write a post about camping with kids in cold weather. Genius right? Honestly though, in...
Toilet training kids on the road

Toilet training kids on the road

  Toilet training on the road. I’ve been asked about it a few times and I’ve sorta dodged the topic as I’m most certainly not an expert and also, every parent that has come before me knows as much or more about it than I do! In saying that, I...
Playlist – Road tripping 2018 on Spotify

Playlist – Road tripping 2018 on Spotify

  You might have already had a listen to our Playlist – Road tripping 2017 on Spotify. If so, you’ll already be across the plan, which is to build my usual playlist for road trips every year and share it with you guys… The awesome thing about...
How to plan the perfect road trip with kids

How to plan the perfect road trip with kids

How to plan the perfect road trip with kids. When I first decided to do this blog the idea was to encourage/empower/enthuse other parents to get out there and adventure with wee humans in tow. The plan was to try and remove the need for you guys to have to plan or...
Our van conversion – Your questions answered

Our van conversion – Your questions answered

  I’ve been fielding quite a few questions about the van conversion lately. Things like what is it, who did it, what are my must haves, what wasn’t I so keen on. And, of course, what modifications have we made so far. I figured I’d chuck all the...
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